Your ecommerce blog is a great way of increasing sales for your business. It can build your brand, increase trust in your company, and give you access to new audiences of potential customers.
There are many ways you can write blogs that drive up revenue for your business.
Rather than providing you with ecommerce blog outlines that might not fit exactly with your company, this article gives you solid ideas and tips that you can use to create valuable content.
From writing SEO optimised posts to incorporating UGC, this is how you can write content that helps bring more business to your ecommerce company.
Creating SEO optimised content for your ecommerce blog is a great way to increase your sales. This is because it puts your ecommerce products in front of people that are interested in buying the things you’re selling.
SEO stands for search engine optimization.
It’s a tactic that’s used to increase your rankings in search engines, putting your web pages in front of people that are conducting searches that are relevant to your business.
However, creating this content only works as a sales aid if your rank for the right terms.
Credit: Seobility
To increase your revenue you need to rank for your money words. These are the keywords that will help you drive traffic to pages that will lead people to buy your products.
You need to find the right terms for your business and this means conducting keyword research, then incorporating these keywords into your blog.
There are many great resources available to help you carry out your keyword research and Moz is one of the best places to find them.
The One-Hour Guide To SEO is a great guide for beginners. It features a number of easy-to-digest videos that will give you the tools you need to create SEO optimised content for your ecommerce blog.
Using CTAs in your content is an excellent way of writing content that turns your ecommerce blog into a sales tool. The reason for this is that CTAs direct your audience to complete actions that ultimately lead to them buying your products.
CTA is short for call to action. You’ll have seen these used in various types of content already, but you may not have realised that you were being eased towards doing something the site wanted you to do.
There are two vital details with CTAs that you need to get right if you’re going to use them in your ecommerce blog to boost your sales.
Credit: Seobility
The first point is the simple one. You can address it by establishing what pages you want your customers to get to. These will generally be product pages, but they could be category pages.
The second point requires more thought. However, there are some best practices you can follow with CTAs to make them more enticing.
The video below gives you some that you can use in your ecommerce blog posts right now. It’s also a good idea to review your previous posts and make sure they’re primed for conversion.
Using your ecommerce blog posts to talk about the benefits of your products is a great idea. You can do this by establishing what the benefits are for your products, then writing a blog post pr series of blog posts that are about these.
For instance, it may be that you sell trainers. One benefit of these is that it makes people fitter. So you could write a blog post about how being healthier has a far-reaching impact on your life, helping you to feel happier at work and home.
In this example, you can show that one of the benefits of your products is that they can help people to get fitter and healthier by providing their feet with the support needed to perform rigorous exercises with confidence. After explaining these benefits in detail, you can include a link to a product or category page to help boost sales for your chosen target page.
Credit: PXFuel
One thing to keep in mind is that you must talk about benefits and not features.
It’s simple to make the mistake over talking about product features over benefits. Features are easier to discuss because it’s more about something looks than how it feels.
Unfortunately, in the case of many products, people don’t make the same connection with how something looks as how it makes them feel. This is because ecommerce is a huge industry and many products look very similar.
And the problem is that if you make this mistake then your ecommerce blog posts are less likely to have a positive impact on your sales.
Audience pain points are the questions your audience needs answers to.
They drive them to search for solutions and you can use your ecommerce blog to make your products the thing that eases their pain. Do this successfully and you can increase sales for your business.
Using audience pain points to inspire your blog content is a similar strategy to focusing on benefits, as it addresses questions your customers have and makes your products the answer.
But it goes further than focussing on your product benefits. How? By working backwards from the things that drive your audience and finding ways of linking it to your products – whereas writing content that focuses on benefits operates in the opposite way.
Credit: PXHere
There are many ways you can establish what your audience’s pain points are. One of the best is to create buyer personas for your ecommerce business.
Buyer personas are a market research tool that creates an image of your ideal customers. This takes into account things such as your customers’ behaviour, demographics, goals, and motivations.
Once you’ve got your personas you can create content that addresses their pain points.
You can then use this to increase your ecommerce sales by adding in links to your business’ product and category pages.
UGC stands for user-generated content. As the name suggests, it’s content that’s created by your audience. Not only is it a great source of free material for your ecommerce blog, but it’s also a great way to increase sales for your business.
The reason UGC is so good is that people trust the opinions of their peers as much as recommendations from friends and family.
The point is that they trust them more than your views because they don’t think there’s a vested interest, so including UGC on your blog makes your brand more trustworthy.
Credit: Free Stock Photos
You can leverage this on your blog by including testimonials from your customers.
Returning to the trainer example used earlier in this article, you could add a quote from one of your customers to a post on your ecommerce blog.
It might say something like “I was able to run for longer because these shoes were more comfortable. This means that I’m exercising five hours more every week and I feel much healthier because of this.”
This then helps increase sales for your ecommerce business because it validates your products — if a customer sees that one of their peers is benefiting from their products, then they’ll see it as an unbiased recommendation and will be more likely to buy from your company.
That’s just one way of leveraging user-generated content to build trust in your brand. You can find some more great ideas by watching the video below:
Guest blogs are what they sound like — they’re when you publish an article from another site to your own blog. This is a great source of free content for your business, but it also helps to increase sales. How? By giving your business access to new audiences.
Any external site that you publish on your ecommerce blog will have a vested interest in sharing the content on their social media channels. This puts your business in front of new followers and provides a potential new source of customers.
However, you should go further than this. Instead of just adding guest posts to your ecommerce blog, you should enter into a partnership with other sites by also writing content for their blog.
This will improve the chances of you reaching a new audience further still and increase the likelihood of you making more sales.
We’ve given you some great tips to help you write and create ecommerce blog posts that will help to increase sales for your business.
To finish things off, we’ve picked out two great examples of ecommerce blogs that you can use as inspiration for your own content.
Credit: Shopify
We spoke earlier about audience pain points and how it can help you to increase sales for your business.
Shopify is a leading ecommerce platform and it’s the expert when it comes to creating ecommerce blog posts that tackle the problems its audience (and customers) encounter.
It splits its blog into the following categories:
These are focussed on topics that are relevant to both current and aspiring ecommerce business owners – it gives them the tools to start a business and to address any issues they encounter once they’ve launched their company.
Credit: BigCommerce
We explained earlier how using good CTAs in your ecommerce blog can help increase sales for your business.
BigCommerce is a popular ecommerce platform and it has a great understanding of how to use CTAs to help drive its audience to its money pages.
Some of the CTAs BigCommerce uses include:
The last point is an interesting one because it may seem like it offers little scope to boost your sales.
However, by collecting the email addresses of your customers you can engage in audience segmentation. This allows you to learn more about your customers and create targeted blog posts that address their pain points.
There’s no one size fits all approach to writing ecommerce blogs that increase sales for your business – one tactic may work for a rival company but fall short when you apply it to your own.
However, what does fit for all companies is having a set of ideas you can work with.
We’ve given you plenty of great tips for how to write ecommerce blog posts that will increase sales for your business. All that’s left now for you is to start putting these ideas into practice.