Category Archives for "Marketing"

Feb 01

How to Start Marketing Your Ecommerce Store on Pinterest in 2021 & Why You Should

By Rodney Laws | Business

Ecommerce businesses have larger potential audiences than ever before thanks to the far reach of the internet and the relative affordability of national and international shipping, but they’re also facing more competition than ever before. A small clothing business in Colorado can now reach customers in Germany… but that means businesses in Germany can reach […]

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Dec 18

7 Blogging Tips For Ecommerce Fashion Retailers

By Rodney Laws | Ecommerce

Blogging is at the heart of content marketing strategies for most ecommerce fashion retailers, but there’s a lot of fashion-related content already out there to compete with.  You’re up against some of the biggest retailers out there — not to mention thousands of fashion bloggers, lifestyle bloggers, and influencers. So how can you stand out […]

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